The most obvious way to buy your home outright is to save enough money over a period of time to do this. This may sound tricky, but you should have a think about your current lifestyle and how you may be able to cut back in some areas. Perhaps you go on a few luxury holidays a year, or regularly go out for meals or order lots of takeaways. If you’re serious about buying a home without a mortgage, then these luxuries might need to go.
According to research by the popular food delivery service Deliveroo, the average Brit spends around £1,000 per year on takeaways. This equals around £80 a month. In places such as London and Edinburgh, this average increases to over £100 per month. And according to Evolution Money, the average two-week holiday for a family of four costs around £4,792, and this total doesn’t include spends on food while you’re away. By cutting back on these lifestyle choices, you may find that you can save thousands of pounds for a house in just a few years.
Alternatively, you might be able to find cheaper home insurance or cut down on your energy bills. There are lots of ways you can save money if you look hard enough.
If you already have a home with a mortgage, it may be easier to buy your next home without having to borrow any money. As people get older, they often look to downsize. This means that your next house could cost significantly less than your current home. If you’ve already had your mortgage for a few years, you’ve likely paid a large chunk of it off. This equity could be used to pay for a smaller house in full. For example, you may sell your home for £400k with £250k of equity. You could buy your next home for £250k, making you completely mortgage free.